Indian Canyons Golf Course ended up being a good 3 wood drive away from us (basically down the street). It is an absolutely beautiful course and so different from Tahquitz Creek Golf. Both courses are surrounded by mountains, the Tahquitz course is more rugged and the Indian Canyons course is much more landscaped. The greens were amazing. The ball actually rolled. It is amazing that in a desert these courses can be so lush. I gather Palm Springs gets all of their water from an underground acquifer. Which is nice to know as I am always claiming that the States are stealing our Great Lakes water.

Getting ready to tee off and we look so happy :)
These palms were amazing but did like to gobble up your balls. I could picture them being in a Lord of the Rings or Avatar type of movie.
Whew we made it, a beautiful day, warm and challenging with lots of shots. Still no rattlers, just bunnies, squirrels and beautiful hummingbirds.
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